What We Do?

Coming together to save the children

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1. Adoption

We do our best to

  1. Ensure each adoption is undertaken in the best interest of the child
  2. Prioritise support for the adoption triad: child, birth mother and adoptive family
  3. Prevent the abduction, exploitation, sale or trafficking of children

Types of Adoption

Adopt an Infant (less than 2 years old)

OrphanCare operates baby hatches and facilitates adoptions for babies whose birth mothers and parents have chosen adoption

Adopt an Older Child (2-18 years old)

Older children need love, care, attention and family urgently. We urge Malaysians to adopt older children, even a pair of siblings. Read more on the SOP for adopting an older child

Adopt a Special Needs Child

Many special needs children would thrive in the care of a loving family. Adopting children with special needs can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling

2. Advocacy

Climbing out of old Paradigms

“OrphanCare is working to change current beliefs, attitudes and government policies by advocating and raising awareness about baby abandonment and the deinstitutionalisation of children.”

Types of Workshop

Adopt an Infant (less than 2 years old)
  1. OrphanCare's Reproductive Health Talks
  2. Potential Adoptive Parents Training
  3. Deinstitutionalisation Awareness Webinar

3. Counselling Services

Reintegrating children

Children from institutions in the process of reintegrated into a family

Reintegrating Parents

Parents and family members involved in a reintegration process

Pregnant women

Young girls and women coping with an unplanned pregnancy

Birth Parents

Who have decided to give a child up for adoption

Adoptive Parents

Who are dealing with integrating an adopted child into their family

4. Reintegration

Transitioning from institutions to family based care

Deinstitutionalisation or DI transitions children away from child care institutions towards a range of family and community-based services. Poverty is commonly the root cause of children being institutionalised. Although issues in relation to family or community may also be part of the many causes

The Reintegration Procedure

Reintegration is a careful process of reuniting a child from an institution back into the care of his or her family. If a child cannot be reintegrated with his or her natural parents or extended family, the child can be adopted. OrphanCare’s reintegration programme’s priority is always for the child’s wellbeing and safety